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First Things First

We all know that COVID-19 has made for challenging times. Some people are not ready to join a large group gathering yet. And some are ready to worship in person again. So, as a group of Christ-followers, we will choose to “clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” (Colossians 3:12ff)


If you are ready for a public worship service, come join us! If you are not ready for that level of experience, feel free to stay home and watch with us online.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Are You Healthy Enough to Come to a Service?

After reading all that is part of this announcement, each person will need to decide for themselves how vulnerable to infection they might be and determine what is appropriate for them.


  • Have a fever

  • Have a cough

  • Have shortness of breath

  • Have had COVID-19 within the last 14 days

  • Have been exposed to someone else with COVID-19 in the last 14 days and have not been tested and found negative



Live stream of our service will be available at 10 AM CST through our church online platform or on Youtube.

Masks - UPDATED - May 20th 2021

Starting on Sunday, May 23rd, we will not be requiring mask during our services. We will continue practicing social distance and enhanced cleaning procedures in our children and nursery areas.  We urge everyone who attends services in person to act according to their conscience with respect to wear a mask for their own health, and the health of those around them. 


Worship Service 

Adults  -  Steps We are Taking to Welcome You Back

The following is not an exhaustive list but does represent some of the preparation and changes made for a safe return to worshipping together. 

  • Enhanced cleaning of the building prior to Sunday Service.

  • Hand-free sanitizer stations will be readily available in hallways and worship center.

  • Giving of tithes and offering will continue online or you can use one of the black boxes at the welcome table in the lobby. No baskets will be passed during the service.

  • We will continue to do communion each Sunday. During the service, you will be given instructions on how to take communion if you chose. You can also check out our communion page if you would like to do communion at home. 


What about my kids:

We are excited to welcome your kids into IC3 KIDS (K-5th) or NURSERY (6 months - 4yrs old).  Parents will check in kids upstairs, answer a series of health screening questions and get name tag for child. IC3 KIDS will continue socially distanced children during our worship time.  Masks will be not be mandated in IC3 KIDS as of May 23rd 2021.  If you would feel more comfortable with your child wearing a mask we understand. 



These are significant steps forward – even if a bit complicated. If you have a question, let us know! In the meantime, we look toward the future as we “leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus."


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